Recent technology trends are tremendously transforming the global businesses giving them an edge in their business critical processes, says Ravi Namboori, Director of Architecture at Equinix.
Today global business managers are a-step ahead in adopting innovative technologies to streamline their business operations and gain insights in to customer preferences and market dynamics.
Technology revolution has brought intelligent network infrastructure in to enterprise environment empowering firms to leverage best from technological advancements.
Industry experts states that with the growing intelligent network products and connectivity expansion the network security mechanisms also needs to be further strengthened, says Ravi Namboori a data center expert.
Connectivity expansion has brought enormous business benefits to the global organizations, but at the same time it has made networks more vulnerable to the security threats. Rapid growth of connectivity in the present digital world has emphasized the significance of networks becoming security devices themselves to safeguard sensitive data and extended networks.
Especially when network services are enabled with virtualized technologies, it is necessary that proper security is ensured to the data and network as the probability for fraud intrusions is high.
Today network expansion is an ongoing practice moves along with business growth, embedding security everywhere across the extended networks enables firms to achieve enhanced network security and prevents the confidential data getting in to nefarious hands.
Companies can leverage best advantages of internet and new digital business models only when they ensure required data and network security, says Ravi Namboori.
Gartner says many of the global enterprises still depending on traditional prevention and blocking mechanisms which are not sufficiently capable for detecting advanced attacks. They need to opt for advanced security solutions that enable them to predict, detect, prevent and respond to the advanced network threats.
Traditional security strategies were designed to accomplish antivirus, intrusion detection and intrusion prevention which are not sufficiently capable to fight against current advanced targeted attacks.
Security is multifaceted in the present extended network scenarios, it involves people, software and processes. Ensuring data and network security is a collective task for people and software applications. Extended automation demands strong security policies to handle secure data storage and transmissions.
Ensuring network security is a continuous process for organizations that brings more automation in to their business critical processes. There is need of constant evolving strategies from both vendors and organizations to consistently achieve network security, adds Ravi Namboori an IT evangelist.