Internet-of-Things IoT is one of the most revolutionizing technological trends in the recent years. Today IoT has turned out to be a biggest global economic opportunity and rapidly penetrating in to various sectors such as industrial sites, factories and farms. IoT enables users to leverage best from the recent technology innovations and significantly enhance energy efficiency and optimize the production, says Ravi Namboori, Director of Architecture at Equinix.
Though the IoT brings huge business benefits to the organizations, it is a significantly challenging task to implement and reap benefits out of it. Bridging the gap between the customer mindset and IoT technologies is a crucial and tough task to execute, Ravi Namboori adds.
IoT in industrial sector is far different from IoT in smart home, industrial IoT is tough to introduce in to critical site operations. It is not about simple gadgets, industrial IoT involves advanced systems and complying with performance specifications is a big challenge.
Industrial systems will be complex and they are built to constantly monitor processes and related issues. They perform the tasks such as controlling locomotives, chemical reactors and manage undersea crude well drilling, all these tasks are so stringy to perform. Firms focus more on reliability and consistency in equipment performance as worker safety and security stands top in the priority list.
Any little error in industrial equipment operations could lead to occupational hazards and turn out be a financial disaster to the industries. Industrial customers focus more on resilient processes over the faster systems that are more vulnerable to failures.
Though IoT has recorded substantial growth across varied business sectors, IoT systems need to be further strengthened to fit best in to industrial equipment, such that they perform efficiently in extreme conditions such as temperature, vibration and pressure at industrial sites, says Ravi Namboori a data center expert.
Industrial equipment lifetimes will be relatively very long when compared to datacenter server, IoT solutions should ensure redundant connectivity, speedier processing and required storage capacities.
Customers gather the performance data from interned-enabled systems installed in equipment and practice analytics to understand the equipment performances. Numerous sensors installed at various locations in industrial sites sends data to IoT systems, later the data is used for analytics purposes and in strategic decision making.
IoT technologies bring substantial payoffs to the customers investment, Experts states that industrial sector has huge benefits to reap from IoT technologies and IoT enabled industries would grow rapidly in years to come.