Big Data is often associated where an organization or a group possess a very large amount of data to deal with its database system. Data is considered as the ‘lifeline’ of any organization and without it, the survival in the competition becomes tough. With the emergence of mobile and cloud platforms, social media, organizations are facing the barrage of voluminous data. Year by year, the data is expanding at faster rates than ever and many organizations are facing a lot of challenges in converting big data as an asset for their enterprise. The widespread availability of data has been growing exponentially over the last few decades in both unstructured and structured forms.
With the evolving of Big Data, many applications have been introduced to store, capture, analyze and search the data blowup that many online businesses are experiencing. To harness the competitive benefits of big data , businesses are performing testing processes through their business applications. The main characteristics that defines Big Data are Volume, Velocity, and Variety. Information comes in many formats and from multiple channels-factors which controls the testing processes and the development for Big Data applications. A thorough and comprehensive understanding of these main characteristics is significantly for successful Big Data Performance testing.
For a broader perspective, let’s discuss various benefits of Big Data Performance testing:
Accurate Data
According to Gartner, within the next five years, the data volume will expand by 800% and out of that 80% will be unstructured data. Unstructured data is usually gigantic and unusable, so it is important to offer intelligent data insights. With this, the data will get more accurate which further helps in analyzing the business competition and strengthens the weak areas of the business.
Improved Business Decisions
Various surveys suggest that big data helps in better decision making and also automating the decisions. This further helps businesses in making better decisions, improving their customer service and increase their revenues.
Minimize Losses And Increases Revenues
Due to the poor quality of big data, businesses loses millions every year. Nowadays, many businesses are using qualitative strategies to identify bad data from good data, but still the losses they are bearing is high. The big data testing overcomes these kind of loopholes and minimizes such losses by extracting valuable data from the heap of unstructured and semi-structured data.
Improved Market Targeting And Strategizing
With the advancement of the digital technology, big data testing help businesses in predictive behavioral targeting and employ optimization to make the right decisions. It becomes easier to convert the voluminous data into a more personalized and compelling experience for every customer who comes to the website.