Is DevOps approach facing database hurdles?

In the current competitive business scenarios, IT companies are under constant pressure of delivering quick and quality software deliverables to meet client’s business needs. In the process of fulfilling the growing customer demands, Companies continued IT innovations to offer speedier and quality solutions to their esteemed clients. DevOps approach to development cycle is one among such IT innovations which IT industry has introduced. DevOps brings both Development and Operations on to common communication platform enabling both departments collaborate and coordinate effectively, adds Ravi Namboori.

Recent surveys on DevOps project methodology states that availability of database for both testing and development environments yields desired results while accomplishing the project objectives throughout the software development cycle. Conversely, In DevOps approach testing teams are getting limited access to database which is brought under spotlight as one of the most influencing challenges to be addressed immediately in any project. Despite of DevOps approach’s efficiency and effectiveness in speedier development cycles, database issues continuously affecting performance and developing complexities in software projects. Today, many organizations adopting DevOps project methodology says that they are striving hard to meet software upgrade timelines and while bringing best from technical teams engaged in DevOps (Article: ITProPortal). Performing quality analysis and release verifications have become more frequent aspects while delivering software upgrades in less time which is bringing IT companies under constant pressure. Technical teams are always under pressure every time they create staging and testing environments in order to keep in pace with software testing requirements.

Databases throw a tricky challenges to DevOps practitioners due to the nature itself, database constitutes of both structural elements (stored procedures and schema) as well as data stored in database. Whenever software requirements and System functionality changes, it also demands corresponding changes in database back-end to ensure proper functioning of the code. Any mismatch between code changes and related database changes will lead to failure of code and software functionality. Database automation and brining toolsets in to DevOps project methodology would rule out the major complexities in the development life cycle and enables the IT organizations to deliver faster software upgrades.

Database challenges are addressed with proper automation of the database and a toolset which supports database schema changes. Capable toolset helps DevOps approach with merging and branching activities while enabling multiple developers to make simultaneous changes to code and database. It is expected from Toolkit to be more general purpose and allow all required forms of database changes or refactoring (Refactoring Databases: Evolutionary Database Design). Automated documentation of the database from source further simplifies the task for DevOps practitioners to monitor the database code changes. Thorough working knowledge and experience in handling software projects with Agile and DevOps methodologies recommends the open-source toolkits (Liquibase: Article on SearchSoftwareQuality) to address the various database challenges.

About the Author(Article Source:
Ravi Namboori The Director of Architecture at Equinix, Ravi Namboori has dedicated his career to the field. Over the past 20 years, Namboori has integrated business plans with IT capabilities to produce more effective companies.


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